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办公室 第四季



Seao 4, Epiode 1: Fu RuOigial Ai Date—27 Septembe 2007Michael accidetally u ove Meidith i the pakig lot, ad hi guilt caue him to ogaize a 5-K u fo he. Dwight ad Agela have a fallig-out afte he kill he cat, ad the Jim ad Pam' elatiohip i dicoveed.Seao 4, Epiode 2: Dude Miffli IfiityOigial Ai Date—4 Octobe 2007Michael feel theateed whe Rya etu to the Scato office to hae hi idea about the futue of Dude Miffli. Jim ad Pam' elatiohip i haed with the etie office, while Agela ad Dwight' elatiohip i o the ock.Seao 4, Epiode 3: Lauch PatyOigial Ai Date—11 Octobe 2007The Dude Miffli Ifiity webite i lauchig ad Michael i excited about goig to the big lauch paty i New Yok while Agela pla a atellite paty fo the Scato bach. Meawhile, Dwight compete agait the webite to ee who ca ell the mot pape i oe day.Seao 4, Epiode 4: MoeyOigial Ai Date—18 Octobe 2007A Ja eovate the codo, Michael cofot hi gowig debt evey way he ca, which iclude peuig hi employee fo a loa. Pam ad Jim ped a ight out o Dwight' family fam, ow a bed ad beakfat.Seao 4, Epiode 5: Local AdOigial Ai Date—25 Octobe 2007Michael tie to make a local Dude Miffli commecial that i bette tha the oe the pofeioal ad agecy made fo them. Meawhile, Ady tie to cofide i Dwight about hi ew elatiohip with Agela.Seao 4, Epiode 6: Bach WaOigial Ai Date—1 Novembe 2007Michael ad Dwight ty to play a pak o Kae, who i ow maage of the Utica bach, afte he tie to teal Staley fom the Scato office. Meawhile, Pam, Toby, ad Oca tat thei ow excluive office book club.Seao 4, Epiode 7: Suvivo MaOigial Ai Date—8 Novembe 2007Afte Michael i't ivited to a campig tip with Rya, he et out to pove that he ca bave it out i the wildee by himelf. Jim, who i i chage of the office while Michael i goe, tie to chage the bithday paty policy.Seao 4, Epiode 8: The DepoitioOigial Ai Date—15 Novembe 2007Michael i put i a awkwad poitio whe Ja ue Dude-Miffli fo wogful temiatio ad he i depoed a a wite. Meawhile, Kelly begi mack talkig Pam afte Dayl beat Jim at pig pog.Seao 4, Epiode 9: Die PatyOigial Ai Date—10 Apil 2008Michael ivite Jim ad Pam ad Ady ad Agela to a couple-oly die paty, which make Dwight vey jealou. Howeve, the oly thig he' miig i a igide eat to wite Michael ad Ja' extemely dyfuctioal home life.Seao 4, Epiode 10: Chai ModelOigial Ai Date—17 Apil 2008Kevi ad Ady team up to eclaim the tole Dude-Miffli pakig pace, which foce them ito a howdow with the othe five boe of the office pak. Meawhile, Michael become faciated by a wome modelig chai i a catalog.Seao 4, Epiode 11: Night OutOigial Ai Date—24 Apil 2008Michael ad Dwight to to New Yok to paty with Rya, who i havig lot of peoal ad pofeioal poblem. The et of the office employee wok late, ad wid up gettig locked i the buie pak.Seao 4, Epiode 12: Did I Stutte?Oigial Ai Date—1 May 2008Michael tie to figue out how to epod to Staley' iubodiatio duig a meetig, ad Dwight buy Ady' vehicle ad immediately flip it fo moe moey.Seao 4, Epiode 13: Job FaiOigial Ai Date—8 May 2008Dude-Miffli paticipate i a high chool job fai, but few tudet ae iteeted. Jim, Ady, ad Kevi play a oud of golf with a popective cliet. Back at the office, eveyoe but Dwight ad Agela leave fo the day.Seao 4, Epiode 14: Goodbye, TobyOigial Ai Date—15 May 2008Michael thow a extavagat goig-away paty fo Toby, ad fall i love with the woma who i eplacig him. Jim pla to popoe to Pam at the paty, but get out-taged. Back at copoate, Rya i aeted fo faud.电影客提醒本站提供的《办公室 第四季》在线观看地址以及办公室 第四季下载地址来源于互联网。本站并不参与录制和制作,仅提供资源引用和分享。请记住我们的网站dyke8.com.22.cn,觉得不错的话就分享到你的朋友圈吧!




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